Saturday, April 21, 2012

Constant Reminders

It's the weekend! Yay!

If you have been paying attention to the blog lately, the design has changed about a billion times. This is for a couple of reasons: 1) I just cannot decide what I want. 2) I am putting off the other stuff I really should be doing. My goal is to leave the design the way it is for awhile and stop messing with it. Let's see how I do. I plan on having another post for you this weekend, but that is only if I get my homework and research done.

Anyway, I don't know about you, but my stress level has hit an all-time high this week. Between job applications, school, attempting a regular workout schedule, and substitute teaching (my only income at the moment) I have been feeling like a crazy woman. I had myself so stressed that I suffered (and I mean suffered) from a migraine yesterday afternoon. It was awful. I get them once every couple months due to tension, stress, and dehydration. Therefore, because of all of this, I was in a less than good mood!

I often wonder if people who read my posts about making your life meaningful think it is all cliche. But, I am willing to guess that if many of you were being honest, you would admit that you sometimes need to come back down to earth. That is what I am doing here. I want you to use this to remind YOURSELF about what is important YOU. Like this week, it is what I desparately needed.

I started to notice that I naturally put up reminders about what is important in life. For instance, in the way I decorate my home. This morning, while drinking my beloved coffee, I was walking around my house and saw all of the reminders. These are important to me, and obviously, I use them to remind me to come back down to earth. So, here you go:

This is probably my favorite. It is in my livingroom and one of the first things you see when you walk in. And, it's very true.

Another favorite, and in my livingroom. I found it at Gordman's. Gordman's is a gold mine by the way. Also, my counseling professor would appreciate this.

This is vinyl wall art, a wedding gift from Buffy Clark. Her business is called "Print This" and she has some amazing stuff. Let me know if you want more info on her business. Also, a reminder of what is important in life.

It is beautiful when we make it beautiful. This was a gem I found at Goodwill. Simple, but true. And I love it.

I love the demask design on this, but the message is neat too. I am still not 100% sure if my interpretation of this is what it was meant to be, but that's OK. It is important to me because there were times in my life where I felt like a 'nobody'. However, its imporant because now, I am OK with it and have an optimistic outlook on who I am as a person. Insightful, huh?
Just love this.

The next couple are some that are fun, and remind me not to take my self TOO seriously :)

This is a message that my grandma may not like, but I like it because it reminds me that even though I am an 'adult' its OK to have some fun once in awhile. Responsible fun that is. :)

 For that moment when you really should just 'shut-up'. (This was a gift from Adam..LOL..seriously)

So, just another little thing I do to remind myself about importance and meaning in life. If you like these sayings or pieces of art check Gordman's, thrift stores, or use the sayings and make it a DIY project. Either way quotes can be motivating and inspirational.

Have a good weekend...I'll be doing homework for the rest of mine :(
-Be Kind to One Another-

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